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I use arch on my VPS. It's rock-solid, and my husband is a very advanced user of this particular distro, so maintaining it has been relatively effortless.

In the old days, it was pretty tedious to get everything running properly on a new Linux VPS. These days, things are more streamlined, and it's much easier to make different components work with each other properly.

There's legacy information here, but it may still be useful for those running legacy Linux for whatever reason.

Articles in this section

  • Linode and sendmailplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigLinode and sendmail

    I would not have figured out all this if it hadn’t been for someone on the #linode channel with the patience to walk me through the steps.

    At any rate, when I moved abettergeek from Dreamhost to Linode, mail quit working in the forums. PHP has a built in linux index
  • Linux: Installing SSH2 for PHP5plugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigLinux: Installing SSH2 for PHP5

    apt-get install libssh2-php apache2ctl -k graceful

    I just installed WordPress 2.7 today. Boy, is it exciting! The entire interface is different, and things can be accomplished much more quickly.

    One of the neat features is the ability to add and remove plugins from the web interface. Unfortunately, WordPress only works with FTP and FTPS (FTP over SSL) by default. I don’t have an FTP server installed on my Linode, so I decided to see if I could use SSH ins…