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This is a sitemap over all available pages ordered by namespaces.

        • No, Comcast. plugin-autotooltip_bigNo, Comcast.

          This may come as a huge shock to you, but I don’t like Comcast very much. I never had much of a problem with Comcast until now, surprisingly enough. I mean, they are consistently rated The Worst Company in America by The Consumerist. I had Comcast twice in the past – once in Indiana when I lived in Lafayette, and once in Virginia when I lived in Alexandria City. Until I moved to Washington state last month, we had Cox, and they were amazing. We got free bandwidth upgrade…
        •’s Not-so-surprising Scammy Tacticsplugin-autotooltip__default’s Not-so-surprising Scammy Tactics

          PCMatic's driver databaseMicrosoft's searchable Windows Update Catalog

          I recently found myself in need of a driver for Mac OS 9. Since the hardware I was using was ancient and from a now-defunct company and OS 9 is equally ancient, this task was much easier Googled than actually completed.
        • The cake really is a lie…at least for Flickr users.plugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigThe cake really is a lie…at least for Flickr users.

          I hate to use a cliché, but you really can’t have your cake and eat it too.

          I logged in to Flickr yesterday rather innocently – I was updating some information on my Facebook profile and couldn’t remember exactly when I moved out of my first apartment in Indianapolis, many moons ago. I opened a new tab in my browser, navigated to Flickr, and – holy crap! A new site design! And what’s this about Pro accounts? I have a Pro account and have for …
        • Reconsidering the GPLplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigReconsidering the GPL

          modified version of GNU Affero

          An awful lot of software these days is released open-source, under various licenses. Gnu GPL is a popular one, in its various iterations. It’s a pretty great idea – software is released for free, the source code is made available to anyone who wants to take the time to compile it, people get access to useful applications without paying exorbitant license fees, and everyone wins. The really big projects like Ubuntu and Firefox get donatio…
        • The many functions of useless hard drives...plugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigThe many functions of useless hard drives...

          I’m a bit of a packrat. When something electronic finally craps out, I tend to keep it around, just in case. Dead hard drives fall into this category, at least for me.

          If you’ve never taken apart a hard drive, you should. The platters are unbelievably reflective, since they’ve never been touched by anything before being installed in the drive’s casing. I have a large collection of hard drive platters at the moment, some of which have interesting rad…
        • The Changing Landscape of Personal Computingplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigThe Changing Landscape of Personal Computing

          I’ll try not to give too much commentary on the way Apple does things, but the company has certainly made its mark in how we view personal technology and computing in 2012. Just as the iPod revolutionized portable media players and the iPhone made waves in the smartphone world, the iPad changed how we look at the way we access our media, data, social networks, and the Internet as a whole.
        • In defense of the independent option: shattering the bipartisan mythplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigIn defense of the independent option: shattering the bipartisan myth

          I probably got you going there for a minute, didn’t I? Don’t worry, this isn’t a political dissertation or anything. I’m talking about mobile operating systems. I mean, face it – we’re down to only two options for smartphones, and it’s really becoming a problem.misc index
        • Miscellanyplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigMiscellany

          Everything that doesn't fit under another category lives here.
      • Tech Commentaryplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigTech Commentary

        I'm an opinionated person, and this section is a collection of my op-eds on the larger subject of technology and the tech industry.
    • Personal Musingsplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigPersonal Musings

      I write a lot. Old blog posts that are more commentary than information have been migrated to this section. Logged in users can read additional private content.
  • Contactplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigContact

    I don't have a direct contact point right now, sorry.
  • A Better Geekplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigA Better Geek

    There is no freakin' way this site is going to be usable anytime soon. I'm just going to be using as a wiki for things I want to share with others that aren't relevant to my other sites. Most of this site's content is currently locked from public access.